However, there is a catch- you have to send in a form and follow the requirements for each offer. Although, the requirements are usually just to cut out the UPC (proof of purchase) from the original package (so they know you don't return it) along with the original store receipt. TIP: Always put your "Try Me Free" offers on a receipt of its own. That way, if there is anything else you actually DO need to return, you won't have to worry about not having the receipt. Furthermore, when they are on a receipt alone, it is easier to calculate how much you spent on tax. Sometimes these refunds will only include the base price and not refund the tax. However, if they are on a receipt of their own, I've seen some refund the entire price!!!
Anyway, manufacturers knowingly make rebate offers because only 7% of the people will actually follow through and request a rebate check after the initial purchase. I’m in that 7% group are you?
Here are a just a couple of new Try Me Free offers to send in for!
Kellogg’s All Bran Mail In Rebate Offer (up to $4.99)
Try Ensure for Free (up to $10)
Try Me Free Pert Plus for Men (up to $3.99)
Try Me Free Just For Men Touch of Gray (up to $9.50)
Try Me Free Precious Cat Litter
Try Me Free X 14 Offer
The other Try Me Free offers I have already shared with you. Keep an eye out in the shampoo aisle at Walgreens for the MANY MANY "Try Me Free" items. I have already purchased them all...I don't need to buy shampoo for a LONG, LONG time.
Your bottom line price? $0.42 for the stamp to mail in the rebate. AWESOME DEAL FOR AWESOME PRODUCTS!

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