*Bounty 12 Giant or 12 Big Extra Soft Rolls
*Charmin 30 Big Rolls
*Swiffer WetJet or Sweeper Vac Starter Kit
*Tide 100 oz. or larger
You need to purchase 2 items in ONE transaction receive a Dustbuster. You also need an official order form, product names/UPC numbers, and original receipt from same store. The purchase must be made before 5/16/09. I am not sure where all you can pick up the 'official order form', but I found mine at Toys R Us (or maybe it was Babies R Us - I'm sure they both have them). Feel free to call Customer Service for other participating stores 866-538-5230
Here is the advertisement about it.
Here are the details...http://www.bruspringcleaning.com/

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