Walked into Walgreens zipcode 10901 to get an ice pack.Waiting for a price check I watched a women and her son buy 6 - 24 bottle cases of 16 oz. snapple. When ringing it up I noticed 24 @ 1.19 = 28.56. Clerk pulls out a coupon, scans it -12.00 - MFGC, then proceeds to scan -.55-MFGC 24 times. So, I went and grabbed a case of Peach Iced tea and a case of Kiwi-strawberry - Ice pack ended costing 16.99, with the 48 bottles of 16 oz snapple total came to 23.71 + 8.375 tax = 25.13.There's a big sign by the Snapple advertising at .14 cents per bottle. flavors available were Lemon iced tea, Peach iced tea. Diet iced tea, and the Kiwi Strawberry.Enjoy! - Steve

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