In the back of my mind... I started to wonder. What would happen to the coupon industry? Would companies start scaling back on promotions and coupons? If this happens, how will it effect those that rely on donations to survive?
Then I read an encouraging article yesterday that I want to share. It showed current coupon trends and statistics. The article mentioned that consumers are naturally looking for ways to save money. Because coupons provide a platform to retain and attract shoppers, they actually help retailers fend off competition. Not surprisingly, the fourth quarter of 2008 saw a huge increase in overall coupon redemption. Couponing is becoming a popular and accepted way to save money. This brings me to think couponing may soon become mainstream.
Overall, the retailer channel with the largest increase in coupon usage last year was... can you guess? Drugstores. Up 14% over 2007! Drugstores are increasing the variety of products offered, and expanding the availability of in-store coupons. Smart move, in my opinion.
Here is another interesting point from the article:"As consumers become increasingly promotion-sensitive, manufacturers’ coupons are an important vehicle for retailers to entice shoppers into their stores and defend market share. By making it clear that they support coupon usage, retailers have an opportunity to attract high-consumption shoppers, increase product movement and cushion price increases."I also learned that during a depressed economy, manufacturers tend to redirect their advertising dollars towards coupons. Producing and distributing coupons, especially online, costs far less than traditional media like commercials and slick magazine ads.
Essentially, don't worry about coupons drying up anytime soon. If anything, this economy should lead to more coupons and competition among retailers to provide deals and incentives to consumers.
Take for example, all of the new technology that is popping up for coupon users like us. To name a few:
Cellfire Electonic Coupons
Free printables online
This is a comforting trend. Smart shoppers will continue to get groceries and other products for little or no money when strategically shopping with coupons.
It is my hope and prayer that shoppers will continue to use these skills to increase giving. Fill those food pantries with Hamburger Helper or Spaghettios! Give what you can, it is always appreciated. Take the extra time to use coupons for things your family would not normally consume, and pass that item on to someone in need.
Perhaps you are new to the whole couponing world. Let me assure you it is worth your time and efforts. I have recently noticed increased interest in couponing and frugal living among my friends and neighbors. Feel free to share my blog or others with those in your life who may be looking for ways to save money during this difficult time.
Together, we can save more and give more, one coupon at a time...

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