$.35 in the 2/8 P&G Insert (exp 3/31)
Net Price $5.65 - $4.65 after RR
Revlon Cosmetics B1G1 FREE
$1 in the 12/7 (exp 4/7/09) SS Insert
$2 and $1 in the 2/8 SS Insert (exp 3/15)
Net Price varies upon product - use 2 coupons
$1 Barilla Pasta
$1 on 2 in the 1/4 SS Insert (exp 3/1)
Net Price $.50 each
$.99 Lindsay Olives w/ Walgreens Weekly Ad Coupon
$1.99 Cottonelle Fresh Wipes w/ Walgreens Weekly Ad Coupon
$.50 Printable here
$.50 Caregivers Marketplace Rebate
Net Price $1.50 - $1 after Rebate
$2.99 Sunsilk Shampoo or Conditioner: $1 RR
$2 on 2 in the 1/18 RP Insert (exp 3/15)
Net Price $1.99 each - $.99 after RR
$13.49 Gillette Fusion Cartridges 4 pk: Receive a FREE Gillette Shampoo, Deodorant or Body Wash
$2 off 2 on Shampoo in the 1/18 P&G Insert (exp 2/28)
$1 on Body Wash in the 2/8 P&G Insert (exp 3/31)
$2.99 Crest Pro Health Toothpaste or Glide Floss
$1 in the 2/8 RP Insert (exp 3/31)
$1.50 in the 1/18 P&G Insert (exp 2/28)
Net Price $1.50 - $2 each
$2.50 Aleve Pain Relief
$1 in the 1/4 SS Insert (exp 3/31)
$1 Printable here AND here
Net Price $1 each (on 2)
$5.49 Alka Seltzer Plus 20 ct B1G1 FREE
$1 in the 1/4 SS Insert (exp 3/31)
Net Price $1.75 each - use 2 coupons
$7.99 Blink Tears Eye Drops: $7.99 RR
$1.50 Printable here
Net Price $6.50 each - money-maker after RR
$3.29 Colgate Total or Max Fresh: $3.29 RR
$1.50 in the March All You (exp 5/24)
$1 Printable here
Net Price $1.79 each - money-maker after RR
$2.99 Herbal Essences, Aussie or Pantene Hair Products
$3 on 2 Herbal Essences in the 2/8 P&G Insert (exp 3/31)
$2 on 2 Pantene in the 2/8 P&G Insert (exp 3/31)
$1 on 2 Pantene in the 2/8 P&G Insert (exp 3/31)
Net Price $1.50 - $2.50 each
Buy $25, get $10 RR on participating items
Desitin Ointment and Johnson Baby Products (and 25% OFF)
-$1 Desitin and $1 Johnsons Printables here
-$2 off 2 Johnson or Desitin Printable here
-$3 on 3 Johnson Desitin Printable here
-$1 Desitin Printable here and here
Walgreens Infant Formula (and $2 OFF)

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