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Monday, March 23, 2009

Making a Menu is like putting an outfit together

Have you ever went shopping at a clothing store and choose and picked sale items you might not have something to wear them with. Maybe it’s a colored shirt you weren’t sure if you had shoes to match. Or a discounted sweater that may or may not work with that skirt.

Yes, you may have scored a great deal on the sale item, but if it just hangs in your closet and never wear it – it really wasn’t the best deal then. Was it?

Buying food for meals is something like this. When you pick and choose sale items, you need to ask yourself, can I use this. Will I use this? When am I going to use it?

The other week when I was shopping at Target for a few of their sales, I was able to score meat for $0.17. I used the $2 Sutton and Dodge coupon on a pound of the chuck roast on sale. I also was able to get frozen veggies for $0.67. Now, I can put these all together to make stir fry.

I had a plan. The biggest trap I see people falling into when they begin savings is that they buy buy buy because it’s on sale. But if they never use it, its money wasted.

You start to get a stockpile that you will never use and food may be wasted. Here is a great rule of thumb – SHOP YOURSELF FIRST!

Use what you have. The whole principle of savings is buy low and use later. USE IT!

I just want to encourage you to save those dollars and use up what you have!

If you shop the sales – that’s great, that’s how you should shop! Just have a plan for how you can use it. Don’t let that can of bean just sit on your shelf like the shirt on sale hanging in your closet that you never wore. Make tacos, burritos – wear it use it. Make each dollar that you spent, count!

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